Friday, August 31, 2012

I'll never be made of plastic
So glad that my hearts elastic
No matter what you do 
I'll bounce back off of you
Cut me and I'm not bleeding

I tried to be your picture perfect girl
But you were in your own fantasy world
Tryna control me like some kind of barbie
But that just ain't me

What do you think about when you first wake up? Your clothes? hair? The zit that grew in the middle of your forehead and how you going to cover it up?

Who do you get ready for in the morning? That cute girl/guy that NEVER notices you? The cheerleaders, jocks? your boyfriend of 2 WHOLE days? Or do you do it for you?

If you could change anything about yourslef what would it be? I HATE that question!! Really can't we just be happy with ourselves?

Why do we all give in to this fake crap?

Why do we have to look a certain way to be accepted?

What make's it sooo cool to be "popular'?

What is being popular?

Why do you go out of your way to bring someone down? Does it really make you feel better? I think we all know the answer to that one....

Why is it cool to be a duchebag? "Hey guys let's see who can be the biggest JERK!" "It will be way cool dude!" Congratulations! You made some girl cry, called a kid gay, because he's not afraid to be himself. Everyone hates you. But your "friends" sure think your awesome!

Why do girls think it's attractive to be stupid, when your really not? Yes it does work sometimes in High school, but when you go to the really's not going to work in your favor.

These sound like silly questions.....but think about it. About 99% of us have given into this crap before. Be yourself!

The truth is; there is always going to be someone better than you and there's always going to be someone worse.

Fakeness only last so long. Why hide yourself to impress people you don't reaslly care about. Most of your "friends" right  now will not be your friends 5-10 years down the road.

I chose the name I ain't a Doll, because I 've learn to be ME. If you don't like it, move on because you'll only be wasting your time. You can't dress me up, change me, use me, you just can't. It's not going to work! If you don't like me the way I am, I'm not the right person for you. Your just wasting YOUR time.

I'm going to use this blog to say what I believe, what's on my mind and what I think. Knowing I'm not going to be looked at different. I hope you enjoy reading!


  1. High School seems silly at times, doesn't it?

    I love this: be yourself. I know it's a cliche, but it's something we should all strive for. Even though I have no idea what it means.

  2. This is the best thing ever it makes you feel so much better about yourself when you be yourself! Love it.

  3. This is awesome! I loved reading this! And its so true about high school.
